Monday, September 20, 2010

list of ads seen in 1 day

Friday the 17th of September

I don’t have a TV right now and I'm switching providers so there's no internet hooked up in my apartment yet - my exposure to advertisements has been somewhat reduced lately.  However, I took down a list of ads I saw on my way to school on Friday as well as some ads in one of my magazines.

On the 8 bus:
- (promoting workplace accessibility for those who have disabilities)
- Grand River Car Share (car pooling program in KW)
- “Poetry on the Way” featuring “Running Child” poem
- child abuse awareness poster
- February “heart month” Heart & Stroke foundation ad
- Birthright ad

The ads on the bus were all promoting services and charities instead of trying to sell products.

Vogue magazine:

- lost count of the fashion ads (Gucci, D&G, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Chloe, Coach, Fendi, Vera Wang, etc.) - mostly full page ads featuring a selection from this season’s collection and a bold print of the logo
- jewelry (Cartier, Van Cleef and Arpels, De Beer’s, Tiffany, Swarovski, etc.)
- cars (BMW, Lexus, Range Rover, Toyota, VW, etc.)
- services (Visa, American Express, Mastercard, resorts, magazine subscriptions, Starbucks)

The magazine mostly features ads for different fashion houses, jewelry makers, car dealers and accessories designers.  Services take a backseat to fashion although there weren't many ads for foods.

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